LilyGo TTGO ESP32-C3 ESP-01 Replacement Module (T-01C3)
LilyGo TTGO ESP32-C3 ESP-01 Replacement

Available from:


GPIO #Component
GPIO00 None
GPIO01 None
GPIO02 User
GPIO03 LedLink
GPIO04 None
GPIO05 None
GPIO06 None
GPIO07 None
GPIO08 User
GPIO09 User
GPIO10 User
GPIO12 None
GPIO13 None
GPIO18 None
GPIO19 None
GPIO20 User
GPIO21 User
Configuration for ESP32-C3

This is pin compatible with ESP-01(S) modules.

Onboard LED is on GPIO03 and is defined as LedLink in the template.


Flash using Tasmota Web Installer and select Tasmota ESP32-C3 option.

For esptool.py download f.e. tasmota32c3.factory.bin and run esptool.py write_flash 0x0 tasmota32c3.factory.bin

To put ESP32-C3 in flash mode GPIO8 needs to be pulled high and GPIO9 pulled low.

You can purchase (AliExpress, Amazon, Banggood) a test board for effortless flashing.

Test Board

Hold the BOOT button while powering the device to put it in flash mode.