Adafruit Funhouse Home Automation Development Board (4985)
Adafruit Funhouse Home Automation

Available from:


GPIO #Component
GPIO00 Button 1
GPIO01 User
GPIO02 User
GPIO03 Button_id 2
GPIO04 Button_id 3
GPIO05 Button_id 4
GPIO06 User
GPIO07 User
GPIO08 User
GPIO09 User
GPIO10 User
GPIO11 User
GPIO12 User
GPIO13 User
GPIO14 User
GPIO15 User
GPIO16 User
GPIO17 User
GPIO18 ADC Input 1
GPIO19 None
GPIO20 None
GPIO21 BkLight
GPIO37 User
GPIO38 None
GPIO39 ST7789 DC
GPIO40 ST7789 CS
GPIO42 Buzzer
GPIO43 None
GPIO44 None
GPIO45 None
GPIO46 None
Configuration for ESP32-S2

An IoT-focused ESP32-S2 dev board with a display, a variety of on-board peripherals, and standard GPIO/I2C connectors for rapid experimentation and development.

This board uses an ESP32-S2-WROVER module with 4 MB flash and 2 MB PSRAM.

When the board is booted into debug by holding BOOT (on the back) and pressing the RESET button (on the front) the USB port exposes a serial connection. This can be used to easily flash new firmware.


Flash using Tasmota Web Installer and select Tasmota ESP32-S2 option.

For esptool.py download i.e. tasmota32s2.factory.bin and run esptool.py write_flash 0x0 tasmota32s2.factory.bin

To put ESP32-S2 in flash mode GPIO0 needs to be pulled low.

Device Notes

Adafruit Funhouse Front

Adafruit Funhouse Back

Adafruit Funhouse Pinout

Product guide


  • 240x240 ST7789-based SPI TFT display
    • Supported by Tasmota in -display firmware and via USE_ST7789 in custom firmware.
  • AHT20 I2C temp/humidity sensor
    • Supported by Tasmota in -sensors firmware and via USE_AHT2x in custom firmware.
  • DP310 I2C temp/pressure sensor
    • Currently unsupported by Tasmota.
  • ALS-PT19 analog light sensor
    • On GPIO18
    • Provided template configures this as ADC Input 1
  • A front-facing mini PIO sensor socket
    • On GPIO16
    • Provided template configures this as a User pin for manual configuration via module.
  • 3 front panel user buttons, one back panel user button
    • Front panel buttons on GPIO3-5
    • Back panel button on GPIO0 (doubles as BOOT0 button)
    • Provided template configures these as Button 1-4, with the rear panel as Button 1.
  • 7 front panel capacitive touch buttons
    • On GPIO6-13
    • Limited support in Tasmota, only 4 of the 7 can be used. Provided template sets these up as User pins for manual configuration via module.
  • 5 APA102 DotStar LEDs
  • One front panel red LED
    • On GPIO37
    • Provided template configures this as Led 1.
  • GPIO-connected buzzer
    • On GPIO42
    • Provided template sets configures this as Buzzer
  • 3x 2-pin STEMMA JST-PH GPIO connectors
    • On GPIO20 (A0), GPIO2 (A1), and GPIO1 (A2)
    • Provided template configures these as User pins for manual configuration via module.
  • STEMMA-QT JST-SH I2C bus connector
    • On GPIO33 (SCL) and GPIO34 (SDA), bus shared with onboard sensors.

Debug Console Output

The ESP32-S2 serial debug console is available on two test pads on the back of the board, in a cluster of three test pads to the left of the ESP32-S2 module. The TX signal is on the top-left pad with RX on the top-right pad.

Adafruit Funhouse Debug Pads