Arlec 117cm Aurora Digital Tower Fan (ATF4601HA)
Arlec 117cm Aurora Digital Tower

Available from:

Install method:
Replace module

GPIO #Component
GPIO00 User
GPIO01 Tuya Tx
GPIO02 User
GPIO03 Tuya Rx
GPIO04 User
GPIO05 User
GPIO09 None
GPIO10 None
GPIO12 User
GPIO13 User
GPIO14 User
GPIO15 User
GPIO16 User
GPIO17 None
This device uses a Tasmota incompatible module which needs to be replaced with an ESP. Besides the module, this process will require a heat gun, soldering tools and moderate soldering skill.


  • dpid1 Power relay - When toggled will turn fan on / off.
  • dpid2 Sets the Mode: 0 = Normal, 1 = Natural, 2 = Sleep
    • Normal (Manual) Mode: Fan speed is set by dpid3
    • Natural Mode: The fan speed varies randomly between (speed 1 to 4) giving the effect of a natural breeze.
    • Sleep Mode: The fan will start at the last speed it was set to and then slowly going down to low reserving power.
  • dpid3 Sets the fan speed 1 slow - 4 fast, (remote display 1 - 4)
  • dpid5 Oscillate relay - When toggled will turn oscillation on / off.
  • dpid21 Temperature sensor.
  • dpid22 Unknown at this point.
  • dpid23 Countdown timer in minutes (When timer function is set)
  • dpid24 Unknown at this point.
  • dpid101 Sets the timer function 1 = 1 hour, 2 = 2 hours, 3 = 3 hours ….. 12 = 12 hours and 0 = Off


Configure Tasmota DpIds with the correct FnIds:

Backlog TuyaMCU 11,1; TuyaMCU 61,2; TuyaMCU 62,3; TuyaMCU 12,5; TuyaMCU 71,21; TuyaMCU 98,23; TuyaMCU 64,101;

Configure the correct Enums lists for Speed, Mode and Timer:

Backlog TuyaEnumlist 1,3; TuyaEnumlist 2,4; TuyaEnumlist 4,13;

Setting required for the Temperature sensor to display correctly:

TempRes 0

Setting required to publish results to MQTT:

SetOption66 1

Rules used to publish Speed, Mode, Timeleft (Countdown in minutes) and Timer:

Backlog Rule1 ON tuyareceived#dptype2id3 DO publish stat/%topic%/SPEED %value% ENDON ON tuyareceived#dptype4id2 DO publish stat/%topic%/MODE %value% ENDON ON tuyareceived#dptype2Id23 DO publish stat/%topic%/TIMELEFT %value% ENDON ON tuyareceived#DpType4Id101 DO publish stat/%topic%/TIMER %value% ENDON; Rule1 1
Backlog Rule2 ON System#Boot DO Event resync ON Event#resync DO Backlog Power1; Power2; TuyaSend0; ENDON; Rule2 1

Home Assistant

Home Assistant Configuration in YAML (Replace TOPIC with your MQTT device topic)

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Tower Fan"
    unique_id: "Tower Fan"
    state_topic: "stat/TOPIC/POWER1"
    command_topic: "cmnd/TOPIC/POWER1"
    payload_on: 'ON'
    payload_off: 'OFF'
    oscillation_state_topic: "stat/TOPIC/POWER2"
    oscillation_command_topic: "cmnd/TOPIC/POWER2"
    payload_oscillation_on: 'ON'
    payload_oscillation_off: 'OFF'
    percentage_state_topic: "stat/TOPICSPEED"
    percentage_command_topic: "cmnd/TOPIC/TuyaSend2"
    percentage_command_template: "{{ {0: '0', 1: '3,1', 2: '3,2', 3: '3,3', 4: '3,4'}[value] | default('1') }}"
    percentage_value_template: "{{ {'3,1': 1, '3,2': 2, '3,3': 3, '3,4': 4}[value_json.speed] | default('1') }}"
    speed_range_min: 1
    speed_range_max: 4
      -  "Normal"
      -  "Natural"
      -  "Sleep"
    preset_mode_state_topic: "stat/TOPIC/MODE"
    preset_mode_value_template: >
      {%- if value == '0' %}Normal
      {%- elif value == '1' %}Natural
      {%- elif value == '2' %}Sleep
      {%- endif -%}"
    preset_mode_command_topic: "cmnd/TOPIC/TuyaSend4"
    preset_mode_command_template: >
      {% if value == 'Normal' %}2,0
      {% elif value == 'Natural' %}2,1
      {% elif value == 'Sleep' %}2,2
      {% endif %}
    availability_topic: tele/TOPIC/LWT
    payload_available: Online
    payload_not_available: Offline
    qos: 0

Still left to do: Home Assistant settings to display Time left and to set the Timer.