Arlec 4 Outlet Power Strip (PB4KSHA)
Arlec 4 Outlet

Available from:

Install method:
USB to Serial

GPIO #Component
GPIO00 None
GPIO01 Button 1
GPIO02 User
GPIO03 User
GPIO04 User
GPIO05 None
GPIO09 None
GPIO10 None
GPIO12 None
GPIO13 Led_i 1
GPIO14 Relay 1
GPIO15 None
GPIO16 None
GPIO17 None
{"NAME":"Arlec PB4KSHA Powerboard","GPIO":[0,32,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,320,224,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":12}

This device now comes with a Wi-Fi module incompatible with Tasmota

UPDATE 2021-11-26 - Bottom of housing reads “Model: PB4KSHA Series2” which may indicate a new revision. Unit may no longer contain an ESP-compatible chip, teardown reveals a WB2S module that has 2TX, 2RX and IO1 pins obscured by adjacent components.

Undo the case with a triangle bit screwdriver, there is 7 screws total. You can then unscrew the circuit board and desolder the Tuya module.

Connect wires: 3V3, GND, RX, TX, IO1. Connect to serial-to-USB adapter set to 3.3v mode and short IO1 to ground. Flash using Tasmotizer and reassemble.