Brennenstuhl Connect Eco-Line Power Strip (WS EL01)
Brennenstuhl Connect Eco-Line

Available from:


Install method:

GPIO #Component
GPIO00 Button3
GPIO01 Button2
GPIO02 None
GPIO03 Button1
GPIO04 Relay1
GPIO05 Relay2
GPIO09 None
GPIO10 None
GPIO12 Led1
GPIO13 None
GPIO14 None
GPIO15 Led2
GPIO16 LedLinki
Configuration (old format, will be converted to new template when applied)
{"NAME":"WS EL01 DE","GPIO":[19,18,0,17,21,22,0,0,52,0,0,53,158],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}
WARNING: New Tuya devices have replaced their Wi-Fi module with one incompatible with Tasmota!!!
Tuya-Convert might not be possible for this device since the template was added (2020-10-16).

To make full use of the device, you should use the rules below. With just the template:

  • the Learn button toggles socket group 1
  • The All On/Off button toggles socket group 1

Simple rule

This rule switches the state of all switchable socket groups, and publishes a timestamp Json object to MQTT when the Learn button is pressed. A socket group that’s on will switch off, a socket group that’s off will switch on

Backlog Rule1 ON Button3#state DO Power0 toggle ENDON ON Button4#state DO Publish stat/%topic%/Learn {"timestamp":"%timestamp%"} ENDON; Rule1 ON;

More sophisticated Ruleset

This ruleset will switch all switchable socket groups off if, and only if, all switchable socket groups are on. In all other cases, all switchable socket groups will be switched on. It also publishes the same MQTT as the Simple rule above when pressing the Learn button.

Backlog Rule1 ON Power1#Boot DO Add1 %value% ENDON ON Power2#Boot DO Add1 %value% ENDON ON Power1#state=1 DO Add1 1 ENDON ON Power1#state=0 DO Sub1 1 ENDON ON Power2#state=1 DO Add1 1 ENDON ON Power2#state=0 DO Sub1 1 ENDON ON Var1#state>1 DO Var2 0 ENDON ON Var1#state<2 DO Var2 1 ENDON ON Button3#state DO Power0 %var2% ENDON ON Button4#state DO Publish stat/%topic%/Learn {"timestamp":"%timestamp%"} ENDON; Rule1 ON

Disable green connection LED

In case you rather like the connection LED to be off when the socket is connected to Wifi, use this template:

{"NAME":"WS EL01 DE","GPIO":[19,18,0,17,21,22,0,0,52,0,0,53,157],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}

Disable all LED’s

To disable all LED’s use this template. There will be no indicator if a switchable socket group is on or off.

{"NAME":"WS EL01 DE","GPIO":[19,18,0,17,21,22,0,0,0,0,20,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}

GitHub with latest info: https://github.com/Line40/Tasmota_Brennenstuhl_WS-EL01-DE