Gernems 400 ml Aroma Diffuser (YX-088)
Gernems 400 ml

Available from:


Install method:
USB to Serial

GPIO #Component
GPIO00 None
GPIO01 Tuya Tx
GPIO02 None
GPIO03 Tuya Rx
GPIO04 None
GPIO05 None
GPIO09 None
GPIO10 None
GPIO12 None
GPIO13 None
GPIO14 None
GPIO15 None
GPIO16 None
GPIO17 None
{"NAME":"YX-088","GPIO":[0,2272,0,2304,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":54,"CMND":"TuyaMCU 11,1|TuyaMCU 61,2|TuyaMCU 62,3|TuyaMCU 12,5|TuyaMCU 63,6|TuyaMCU 21,7|TuyaMCU 24,8|TuyaRGB 3|DimmerRange 1,255|TuyaEnumList 1,2|TuyaEnumList 2,2|TuyaEnumList 3,1"}

Please read TuyaMCU to understand the terminology and configuration process.

Flashed via serial by using TYWE3S pins (if you unsolder it, then EN pin should be also 3.3V) after unsoldering from the main PCB. Does not work with Tuya Convert (new PSK key).


nfid dpid type data
11 1 1 device on (1)/off (0)
61 2 4 2 - high intensity
0 - medium intensity
1 - low intensity
62 3 4 0 - 2h timer
1 - 4h timer
2 - no timer
12 5 1 RGB on (1)/off (0)
63 6 4 0 - solid
1 - cycle
21 7 - not reported, used as fake mapping only
24 8 3 RGB color (RGBHSV, type 3)
0 9 5 ?? Error codes?


When applying the template these commands also get applied

TuyaMCU 11,1; TuyaMCU 61,2; TuyaMCU 62,3; TuyaMCU 12,5; TuyaMCU 63,6; TuyaMCU 21,7; TuyaMCU 24,8; TuyaRGB 3; DimmerRange 1,255; TuyaEnumList 1,2; TuyaEnumList 2,2; TuyaEnumList 3,1

Currently, if you set fan speed in Home Assistant the corresponding rule here won’t be triggered as Home Assistant does not trigger the corresponding template. Also, speed 0 can’t be removed from the UI and it will always reset to the device set speed even if it’s off.

on power1#state=0 do publish stat/%topic%/fanmode none endon
on tuyareceived#dptype5id9 do publish stat/%topic%/error %value% endon 
on tuyareceived#dptype4id2==0 do publish stat/%topic%/fanmode medium endon
on tuyareceived#dptype4id2==1 do publish stat/%topic%/fanmode low endon
on tuyareceived#dptype4id2==2 do publish stat/%topic%/fanmode high endon
on tuyareceived#dptype4id3==0 do publish stat/%topic%/timer 2h timer endon
on tuyareceived#dptype4id3==1 do publish stat/%topic%/timer 4h timer endon
on tuyareceived#dptype4id3==2 do publish stat/%topic%/timer timer off endon
on tuyareceived#dptype4id6==0 do publish stat/%topic%/colormode solid endon
on tuyareceived#dptype4id6==1 do publish stat/%topic%/colormode cycle endon
on event#fanmode==-1 do power1 0 endon
on event#fanmode!=-1 do backlog power1 1; tuyaenum1 %value% endon
on event#solid do tuyaenum3 0 endon
on event#cycle do tuyaenum3 1 endon

Label web UI buttons:

Backlog WebButton1 Fan; WebButton2 Light; FriendlyName1 Diffuser Fan; FriendlyName2 Diffuser Light

What you get

  • Power1 Device diffuser status (on/off)
  • Power2 Device RGB light (on/off)
  • TuyaEnum1 Diffuser intensity (high/medium/low)
  • TuyaEnum2 Timer (2h/4h/off)
  • TuyaEnum3 RGB mode (solid/cycle)

Home Assistant configuration

Make sure Rule1 is implemented and active before proceeding.

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Diffuser"
    icon: "mdi:smoke"
    state_topic: "stat/%topic%/RESULT"
    state_value_template: "{% if value_json.POWER1 is defined %}{{ value_json.POWER1 }}{% endif%}"
    command_topic: "cmnd/%topic%/POWER1"
      - "2h timer"
      - "4h timer"
      - "timer off"
    preset_mode_state_topic: "stat/%topic%/timer"
    preset_mode_command_topic: "cmnd/%topic%/tuyaenum2"
    preset_mode_command_template: >-
      {% if value == "2h timer" %}
        {{ 0 }}
      {% elif value == "4h timer" %}
        {{ 1 }}
      {% else %}
        {{ 2 }}
      {% endif %}
    percentage_state_topic: "stat/%topic%/fanmode"
    percentage_value_template: >-
      {% if value == "low" %}
        {{ 1 }}
      {% elif value == "medium" %}
        {{ 2 }}
      {% elif value == "high" %}
        {{ 3 }}
      {% else %}
        {{ 0 }}
      {% endif %}
    percentage_command_topic: "cmnd/%topic%/event"
    percentage_command_template: >-
      {% if value == 1 %}
        {{ 'fanmode=1' }}
      {% elif value == 2 %}
        {{ 'fanmode=0' }}
      {% elif value == 3 %}
        {{ 'fanmode=2' }}
      {% else %}
        {{ 'fanmode=-1' }}
      {% endif %}
    speed_range_max: 3
    availability_topic: "tele/%topic%/LWT"
    payload_available: "Online"
    payload_not_available: "Offline"
    unique_id: "fan-diffuser"

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Diffuser Color Mode"
    command_topic: "cmnd/%topic%/event"
    state_topic: "stat/%topic%/colormode"
      - "solid"
      - "cycle"
      - payload_available: "Online"
        payload_not_available: "Offline"
        topic: "tele/%topic%/LWT"
    unique_id: "select-livingroom-diffueser-color-mode"

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Difuser Error"
    state_topic: "stat/%topic%/error"
    value_template: "{{ 'ON' if value != '0X00' else 'OFF' }}"
    device_class: problem
    availability_topic: "tele/%topic%/LWT"
    payload_available: "Online"
    payload_not_avail: "Offline"
    unique_id: "binary-diffueser-error"


The TuyaMCU is on the other side of the main board, close to the vaporizer. PCB

