Lilygo T-Relay S3 Relay Board (T-RELAYS3)

Available from:
Install method:
USB to Serial
GPIO # | Component |
GPIO00 | ??? |
GPIO01 | User |
GPIO02 | User |
GPIO03 | User |
GPIO04 | User |
GPIO05 | ??? |
GPIO06 | ??? |
GPIO07 | ??? |
GPIO08 | User |
GPIO09 | User |
GPIO10 | User |
GPIO11 | User |
GPIO12 | User |
GPIO13 | User |
GPIO14 | User |
GPIO15 | User |
GPIO16 | I2C SDA 1 |
GPIO17 | I2C SCL 1 |
GPIO18 | User |
GPIO19 | User |
GPIO20 | User |
GPIO21 | User |
GPIO33 | None |
GPIO34 | None |
GPIO35 | None |
GPIO36 | None |
GPIO37 | None |
GPIO38 | User |
GPIO39 | User |
GPIO40 | User |
GPIO41 | User |
GPIO42 | User |
GPIO43 | User |
GPIO44 | User |
GPIO45 | User |
GPIO46 | User |
GPIO47 | User |
GPIO48 | User |
Configuration for ESP32-S3
{"NAME":"LilyGo T-RelayS3","GPIO":[8352,1,1,1,1,8288,8320,8384,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,640,608,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1}
Note: this template configures LEDs as relays 7 and 8 for some reason!
Compile Tasmota with these options:
#define USE_SHIFT595
#define USE_DS3231
#define USE_RTC_ADDR 0x51
If you have an extension board, you need to do one more thing to enable it.
Go to consoles menu, the first option (Console) and type this command:
Shift595DeviceCount 2
Number 2 means that you have 2 devices (main+extensions). If you have 2 extension, put 3, and so. on…