Mirabella Genio 250ml Glass Aroma Diffuser (P_42845096)

Available from:
Install method:
GPIO # | Component |
GPIO00 | None |
GPIO01 | None |
GPIO02 | None |
GPIO03 | None |
GPIO04 | PWM1 |
GPIO05 | PWM2 |
GPIO09 | None |
GPIO10 | None |
GPIO12 | None |
GPIO13 | Buzzer |
GPIO14 | Relay2 |
GPIO15 | PWM3 |
GPIO16 | Relay1 |
FLAG | User |
Configuration (old format, will be converted to new template when applied)
{"NAME":"Genio Diffuser","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,37,38,0,0,0,160,22,39,21],"FLAG":15,"BASE":18}
WARNING: New Tuya devices have replaced their Wi-Fi module with one incompatible with Tasmota!!!
Tuya-Convert might not be possible for this device since the template was added (2020-01-19).
Tuya-Convert might not be possible for this device since the template was added (2020-01-19).
Successful flash with latest Tuya-convert. Easy access labeled pin holes for serial flash also.
GPIO16 > diffuser
GPIO14 > fan
PWM1, 2 and 3 on GPIO4, 5 and 15.
GPIO13 > buzzer
Power and set diffusion time LEDs left unassigned as well as physical buttons. They are located on a daughter board and it seemed to create issues causing me to have to reflash via serial after becoming inaccessible.