QNCX Smart Breaker Switch (MS-101)
QNCX Smart Breaker

Available from:

Install method:
USB to Serial

GPIO #Component
GPIO00 None
GPIO01 None
GPIO02 None
GPIO03 None
GPIO04 Switch 1
GPIO05 Relay 1
GPIO09 None
GPIO10 None
GPIO12 None
GPIO13 Led_i 1
GPIO14 None
GPIO15 None
GPIO16 None
GPIO17 None
{"NAME":"QNCX Smart breaker","GPIO":[0,0,0,0,160,224,0,0,0,320,0,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":18}

Module is named “m32-v1.0” but it’s almost the same as TYWE2S so it;s easy to solder vcc, gnd, rx, tx; remember to touch (not need to soldering) pin gpio0 during coonnection - it’s on the back labelled as “00”.