Sichler Haushaltsgeräte Column Fan (NX4538-944)
Available from:
Install method:
GPIO # | Component |
GPIO00 | None |
GPIO01 | Tuya Tx |
GPIO02 | None |
GPIO03 | Tuya Rx |
GPIO04 | None |
GPIO05 | None |
GPIO09 | None |
GPIO10 | None |
GPIO12 | None |
GPIO13 | None |
GPIO14 | None |
GPIO15 | None |
GPIO16 | None |
FLAG | None |
Configuration (old format, will be converted to new template when applied)
{"NAME":"Sichler Fan","GPIO":[0,107,0,108,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":54}
WARNING: New Tuya devices have replaced their Wi-Fi module with one incompatible with Tasmota!!!
Tuya-Convert might not be possible for this device since the template was added (2020-06-15).
Tuya-Convert might not be possible for this device since the template was added (2020-06-15).
Copy to console:
Backlog TuyaMCU 12,8; WebButton1 Power (on/off); WebButton2 Oscillation (on/off)
Backlog Rule1 on tuyareceived#dptype4id2 do publish stat/%topic%/speed %value% endon; Rule1 1
Rule2 on TuyaReceived#Data=55AA03070005080100010119 do publish2 stat/%topic%/oscillating 8,1 endon on TuyaReceived#Data=55AA03070005080100010018 do publish2 stat/%topic%/oscillating 8,0 endon on
Enable both rules
Backlog Rule1 1; Rule2 1
Home Assistant
- platform: mqtt
name: "Room Fan"
state_topic: "stat/%topic%/POWER"
command_topic: "cmnd/%topic%/POWER"
oscillation_command_topic: "cmnd/%topic%/TuyaSend1"
oscillation_state_topic: "stat/%topic%/oscillating"
qos: 0
payload_on: "ON"
payload_off: "OFF"
payload_oscillation_on: '8,1'
payload_oscillation_off: '8,0'
percentage_state_topic: "stat/%topic%/speed"
percentage_command_topic: "cmnd/%topic%/tuyasend4"
percentage_command_template: "2,"
speed_range_max: 2
availability_topic: tele/%topic%/LWT
payload_available: Online
payload_not_available: Offline