Sonoff Pow R2 Power Monitoring Switch Module
Sonoff Pow R2
GPIO #Component
GPIO00 Button1
GPIO01 CSE7766 Tx
GPIO02 None
GPIO03 CSE7766 Rx
GPIO04 None
GPIO05 None
GPIO09 None
GPIO10 None
GPIO12 Relay1
GPIO13 Led1i
GPIO14 None
GPIO15 None
GPIO16 None
Configuration (old format, will be converted to new template when applied)
{"NAME":"Sonoff Pow R2","GPIO":[17,145,0,146,0,0,0,0,21,56,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":43}
For more accurate energy consumption measurements this device requires power monitoring calibration.

Use code BLAKADDER when buying from itead.cc for a 10% discount.

Alternative template where the blue LED lights up only in case of connection issues and on button actions:

{"NAME":"Sonoff Pow R2","GPIO":[17,145,0,146,0,0,0,0,21,158,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":43}

⚠️️Special Attention ⚠️️

Do not connect AC power and the serial connection at the same time The GND connection of the Pow is connected to the live AC wire. Connecting serial with your PC will fry your PC and will electrocute you.

DO NOT CONNECT ANY SENSORS TO THESE DEVICES!!! The GPIOs on the Pow are connected to AC power! Only use them as designed.

The AC connection between Pow and Pow R2 is different, please check exactly which version you have.

  • Pow R2: Lo-E-E-Li-N-N = LineOut-EarthOut-EarthIn-LineIn-NeutralOut-NeutralIn
  • Pow: Lo-E-E-N-N-Li = LineOut-EarthOut-EarthIn-NeutralOut-NeutralIn-LineIn

Serial Flashing

Please see the Hardware Preparation page for general instructions.

3V3, RX, TX and GND pins are available at the rear/short end of the PCB.

To enter flash mode, press down on the button while powering the device.

Some users have reported problems trying to flash this device. A possible solution is provided by i3laze in an issue. Placing a 220 ohm resistor between the VDD and RX connectors will solve the problem.

Note - After the module type is changed to “Sonoff Pow R2”, the serial port is no longer available for entering configuration commands because the serial port is used to communicate to the power measurement chip. Make sure you have set up your network connection before doing this.

Video tutorial by alsolh

Power Monitoring Calibration

Sonoff Pow R2 might need calibration as correct measurements are influenced by hardware and timing differences. See Power Monitoring Calibration


The Sonoff Pow R2 can provide Energy, Power, Voltage and Current information in different ways.

The preffered way is using the periodic telemetry data. Default setting TelePeriod 300 will send telemetry data every 5 minutes.

If the setting PowerDelta (new since version 5.12.0e) is not 0 (default 80%), telemetry will be sent on power change too.

tele/pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-02-15T17:37:10","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2018-11-14T18:39:40","Total":6.294,"Yesterday":5.340,"Today":0.954,"Period":217,"Power":2635,"ApparentPower":2650,"ReactivePower":282,"Factor":0.99,"Voltage":227,"Current":11.661}}

To request information you can use command Status 8.

stat/pow1/STATUS8 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2018-11-15T08:54:18","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2018-11-14T18:39:40","Total":6.404,"Yesterday":5.340,"Today":1.064,"Power":2629,"ApparentPower":2645,"ReactivePower":288,"Factor":0.99,"Voltage":226,"Current":11.677}}}

The presented information has the following meaning:

Message Unit Description
TotalStartTime Date DateTime of calculation for Total
Total kWh Total Energy usage including Today
Yesterday kWh Total Energy usage between 00:00 and 24:00 yesterday
Today kWh Total Energy usage today from 00:00 until now
Period Wh Energy usage between previous message and now
Power W Current effective power load
ApparentPower W Power load on the cable = sqrt(Power^2 + ReactivePower^2)
ReactivePower W Reactive load
Factor   The ratio of the real power flowing to the load to the apparent power in the circuit
Voltage V Current line voltage
Current A Current line current

Official Sources