Available from:
GPIO # | Component |
GPIO00 | Button1 |
GPIO01 | None |
GPIO02 | None |
GPIO03 | None |
GPIO04 | None |
GPIO09 | None |
GPIO10 | None |
GPIO12 | Relay1 |
GPIO14 | HLW8012 CF |
GPIO15 | Led1 |
GPIO16 | None |
FLAG | None |
{"NAME":"Sonoff Pow","GPIO":[17,0,0,0,0,130,0,0,21,132,133,52,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":6}
Sonoff Pow has been obsoleted with Sonoff Pow R2. Before configuring your device check which revision you have.
⚠️️Special Attention ⚠️️
Do not connect AC power and the serial connection at the same time The GND connection of the Pow is connected to the live AC wire. Connecting serial with your PC will fry your PC and will electrocute you.
DO NOT CONNECT ANY SENSORS TO THESE DEVICES!!! The GPIOs on the Pow are connected to AC power! Only use them as designed.
The AC connection between Pow and Pow R2 is different, please check exactly which version you have.
- Pow R2: Lo-E-E-Li-N-N = LineOut-EarthOut-EarthIn-LineIn-NeutralOut-NeutralIn
- Pow: Lo-E-E-N-N-Li = LineOut-EarthOut-EarthIn-NeutralOut-NeutralIn-LineIn
Serial Connection
Please see the Hardware Preparation page for general instructions.
3V3, RX, TX and GND pins are available at the rear end of the PCB.
To enter flash mode, press down on the button while powering the device.
Power Monitoring Calibration
Sonoff Pow might need calibration as correct measurements are influenced by hardware and timing differences. See Power Monitoring Calibration
The Sonoff Pow can provide Energy, Power, Voltage and Current information in different ways.
The preffered way is using the periodic telemetry data. Default setting TelePeriod 300
will send telemetry data every 5 minutes.
If the setting
(new since version 5.12.0e) is not 0 (default 80%), telemetry will be sent on power change too.
tele/pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-02-15T17:37:10","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2018-11-14T18:39:40","Total":6.294,"Yesterday":5.340,"Today":0.954,"Period":217,"Power":2635,"ApparentPower":2650,"ReactivePower":282,"Factor":0.99,"Voltage":227,"Current":11.661}}
To request information you can use command Status 8
stat/pow1/STATUS8 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2018-11-15T08:54:18","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2018-11-14T18:39:40","Total":6.404,"Yesterday":5.340,"Today":1.064,"Power":2629,"ApparentPower":2645,"ReactivePower":288,"Factor":0.99,"Voltage":226,"Current":11.677}}}
The presented information has the following meaning:
Message | Unit | Description |
TotalStartTime | Date | DateTime of calculation for Total |
Total | kWh | Total Energy usage including Today |
Yesterday | kWh | Total Energy usage between 00:00 and 24:00 yesterday |
Today | kWh | Total Energy usage today from 00:00 until now |
Period | Wh | Energy usage between previous message and now |
Power | W | Current effective power load |
ApparentPower | W | Power load on the cable = sqrt(Power^2 + |
ReactivePower^2) | ||
ReactivePower | W | Reactive load |
Factor | The ratio of the real power flowing to the load to | |
the apparent power in the circuit | ||
Voltage | V | Current line voltage |
Current | A | Current line current |
Self Protection for Sonoff Pow
ITEAD published a recall notice for the Sonoff Pow on March 1st 2017. Some units produced in december 2016 and january 2017 are not well suited for 16A. If you have one of these units you can decide to use them anyway by limiting the maximum current in software. It is, in fact, possible to set a Maximum Power Threshold for the Sonoff Pow.
If the power measured by the device exceeds the threshold set by the command MaxPower
for a number of seconds set by the command MaxPowerHold
the device will remain switched off for MaxPowerWindow
seconds (to let it cool down, for example).
For all details see issue #218